Free Resources

For Menopause, Fitness & A Fabulous Life

5 Menopause Fitness Mistakes Free E-Guide Mockup
5 Menopause Fitness Mistakes Almost All Women Make

STOP suffering needlessly and START taking the right steps to feel better in your body FAST with this free ebook guide and video trainings.

Nicole Cabrias
Tune In On The Blog

Where I talk and teach about the things that light me up at this special time of life, with the goal of inspiring YOU to live this chapter in a way that lights you up too.

Women's Menopause Fitness Tips
Free Weekly Tips & Trainings

This is the one Hot Flash you'll actually enjoy! Subscribe with your email here and join me in the mission to age awesomely!

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Menopause Fitness Breakthrough

Short, simple action steps, and 1-1 support.

The Take Back Your Body Breakthrough is a personal review and plan to lay out your first (or next!) BEST steps so you can start moving from frustration to feeling more like yourself again.

Consistency Circle

My flagship group coaching membership exclusively for women in perimenopause, menopause and beyond. Feel better in your body, mind and spirit, and keep it that way, WITHOUT expensive pills, weird potions, swearing off your favourite foods or sweating it out on that cardio machine you hate, for hours and hours you really don't have.

Nicole Cabrias Coaching
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