Are you fed up with menopause symptoms and a body that doesn't feel like your own?

Ever wish you could have somebody look at your current situation and habits and just tell you how to fix it already?

Well here's your chance to have that!

For a limited time you can grab this personalized review and breakthrough plan for just $69 CAD!

Menopause Fitness Trainer, Coach Testimonial

 your personal

Take Back Your Body Breakthrough!

Think of the Take Back Your Body Breakthrough as your personal midlife, peri-menopause, and menopause fitness diagnostic tool.

This is your chance to get my eyeballs on your habits, where you're feeling stuck and where you're struggling so that I can tell you EXACTLY what I would do in order to put a quick end to your frustration and get you started on the right track to feeling fabulous and more like yourself again!

If you have no clue where to even BEGIN with this changing body of yours, or you're doing EVERYTHING you can think of and nothing seems to work, this is for you!

How does it work?

Here's What Will Happen

Once you sign up below for your personalized Take Back Your Body Breakthrough...

  • You will immediately receive an email with a link to my diagnostic form and questionnaire to fill in, so I can get the full picture of your current health and fitness situation and what you want help with. Don't worry... Everything you share is just between you and me.
  • Once I receive your information and review it in detail, I will record and send you a video of me going over everything you need. I'll be sharing my screen and will also provide any feedback and advice on the top 3 action steps I recommend for you to start taking right now in order to quickly gain your Breakthrough results.
  • Your personal and custom video will be sent to you within 5 business days, so you can start taking action on the advice I offer you right away! After all, you want to feel better FAST right? And yes, you'll be able to download and save your video and any additional resources I provide.
  • Once I deliver your video, you will also immediately receive 1 week (5 business days) of text-based messaging with yours truly so that I can answer any questions you may have, support you and cheer you on while you start to implement your new and improved Breakthrough menopause fitness habits. I'm all about taking action AND making it doable!

How awesome does that sound?!

Here’s What Clients Are Saying



It was a game changer for me. You create a very supportive, non-judgemental environment.




Nicole asks very pertinent questions to get to the true you. And it works... Thank you so much Nicole for getting me on the right path to my best health!

brawnwyn A.

Don't delay!

Order Your Personal Breakthrough Today

I could easily charge $300 to $500 dollars for this service and level of coaching but for a limited time you can get your personalized review, breakthrough action plan and implementation text support for just $69 CAD (approx $50 USD)! 

Why such a steal? Because it's Summer Time and the living should be easy.

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Who are you & Why should I trust you?

If you're new to my menopause fitness world, Hi! I'm Nicole.

As a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, Menopause Fitness Specialist, and Life Coach, AND as a woman in my 50s navigating my own struggles and symptoms, I'm constantly updating my knowledge and experimenting on how we can best be our fittest and happiest on the journey through this important stage of our lives.

Which is why I've created, and am constantly evolving, my signature 7 Essential Elements of Menopause Fitness framework, the foundation on which I build all of my coaching, including your Take Back Your Body Breakthrough.

It's my goal to help as many women as possible just like me, take back not only our bodies, but also our confidence, our vitality and our joy in life. And quite simply, it works.

How does the text support work? Can I choose the week I do it or delay it to sometime in the future?

Your text-based support will take place over regular text messaging service (Canada and US only) or WhatsApp, depending on your preference.

Your text support will take place over 5 consecutive business days and will begin the day immediately following delivery of your personal review video, so be sure you're ready to watch it and start taking action towards your Breakthrough right away!

For example, if I deliver your Breakthrough video on a Friday, your messaging support will take place Monday through Friday of the following week (excepting any public holidays).

You can expect responses from me Monday through Friday during regular business hours. You are free to message me as things come up over evenings and weekends, but I cannot guarantee a response until the next business day.

Are my results guaranteed?

As with anything in life, you will get out of this service what you put into it. I cannot guarantee your results because your results are ultimately up to you taking actions that support your health, wellness and fitness. And fitness is a lifelong game.

The Take Back Your Body Breakthrough is designed to lay out your first few BEST steps to help move you from frustration to feeling more like yourself again.

I can promise that if you provide me with complete details on your current situation and state of health and fitness on your diagnostic form and questionnaire, and commit to consistently taking the actions I recommend in your review, you will start to see and feel the results.

What if I don't like it?

It's my biggest hope that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase and get great results from it. I'm extremely grateful for your business. However, due to the nature of this review and associated services and downloadable resources, no refunds will be issued, no matter the point in the process.

Have Another Question?

© 2024, Nicole Cabrias • Passion Ranger Ventures • All Rights Reserved

Nicole Cabrias Coaching
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